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Push Your Visitors to the Right Direction With 301 Redirects

Push Your Visitors to the Right Direction With 301 Redirects

If you were to ask any website owner “What is the best thing about your website?” you could be getting a wide variety of answers. Someone could be proud of the theme they selected, others may be proud of their galleries. There will be those who will state that “About me/us” is their favorite part because it captures the very essence of their business. A lot of them will be proud of their “Testimonials” section and nice things others say about them.

Still, the best part about every single website is its visitors. If there weren’t any, there would be no website in the first place. You want to have them, you want them to stay, and you want them to return, leaving their money with you while they do. Getting that is mandatory, and you have probably spent quite some time twisting and tweaking your website so that you can please your visitors once they arrive.

You want your website to look impeccable. Everyone is a bit weary of scammy webpages and separating from one’s money over the internet is never an easy task. You need a ton of credibility to ensure that they believe you know what you are doing and that you are doing it well enough so that you can help them.

How do I get more visitors?

So, if you have a website but not many visitors, you have probably thought of redirecting. That is not an easy task and is rarely undertaken lightly. The biggest problem is that you don’t want people to see the work in progress. It could have disastrous consequences regarding your credibility and your pocket.

You might take the website offline because you have decided that it is better that they don’t see anything. In this scenario, your visitors are left clueless about your website’s future, and they are off to the very next site on their search results page. They are likely not coming back, so this is probably not the best plan.

Or, you could have decided to switch up your content. Some of it might be expiring, or outdated. So when your visitor lands on your website, you keep thinking “Please, just don’t click on that”! Just like that room in your house, or the garage, where you keep putting all the stuff you don’t need and are by this time expecting an avalanche once the door opens. Once that happens, the visitor is out the door, too!

You want to give your visitors a gentle push in the right direction, without them noticing it. If they head into the garage, make them end up in a fun room instead, by using redirections. The easiest way to do this is by using 301 Redirects plugin.

What is 301 Redirects?

301 Redirects is the WordPress plugin for the gentle nudge in the right direction your visitors need. It is the effortless ways to get your visitors from the URL their browser requested to the URL you designated.

Once you create a 301 Redirects, it tells search engines that Requested URL has moved permanently, and that the content is now on the Destination URL. This is a Search Engine friendly way to direct your traffic where you want it to be.

How can I use this plugin?

While there are some fancy words thrown out a lot, the good news is that creating redirections is a fairly easy task with this plugin. It does exactly that, and not much more, so it is very straightforward and simple to use. With just several features, it will divert your traffic without wasting a bunch of your time and energy on figuring how to do it.

What are the features of 301 Redirects?

Here is a list of things you can do with 301 Redirects.

Effortlessly redirect to wherever

Doing this with this plugin is a no brainer, thanks to the dropdown menu! Simply pick the nicest room in your house and gather all the guests there. Or, to be more precise, pick the destination URL from the dropdown menu. It could be a certain page, post, both regular and custom ones. You can send them to the archives or to the term archives if you want them there. A couple of clicks and you are set up!

Send them away

You can also set a custom destination URL of your own choosing. Simply copy and paste the desired URL, and rest assured that it is where your wonderful users will end up.

Keep control of all the strings

It would be just horrible if all the query strings just disappeared just because you want people going elsewhere. Do not worry, as this was taken into consideration already. With 301 redirects, you retain all the query strings across redirects you have set up. This means you will not be losing any data, especially important pieces such as tracking codes or affiliate ones!

Speed of light

The redirection takes seconds to set up, and even less to perform its magic. Not only you will not waste time figuring it out and setting it up, but also your visitors will not have the time to comprehend what happened.

Bulk redirections

If you already have redirections, use the Import/Export feature to upload the CSV file and get it done even faster. On the other hand, you can also export the ones you have created, so that you can use them again if you need them.


Want to know how much traffic you have diverted? Check out the “Hits”. The number that will appear here will show you how many people were redirected, which is a nice and simple way to keep track of your redirection success.

Upcoming feature! – 404 Error Log

Need to know if something on your page cannot be found by your users? Stay tuned, as this feature will be incredibly helpful on this matter!

All in all

Hiding messy things from your visitors and showing them sparkling things instead has never been easier. Have them go where you want them to go, without thinking too much about it. It is quite easy to use, and you will have no problem with moving your traffic to the new location.

Just install this plugin and set up the redirections in seconds. From there, you can use your time for more important things. With getting them there set up, you can go ahead and start figuring out how to make your visitors happy!

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