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Creating a Modern-Looking Website: 4 Features Not to Forget

Creating a Modern-Looking Website: 4 Features Not to Forget

It’s interesting to see the evolution of websites and wonder how far we have come in this game. Just do a quick Google search and look at the Apple website in the 1990s or early 2000s. You will find screenshots of an old-fashioned website with poor design and user experience. Here is the truth: Apple has always been a progressive company that taught the technological world to think differently and think big. The legacy website of the company from the 90s was not poor at all at its time. It’s just us who measure the old things with current standards.

Making such comparisons helps us understand the evolution of web development and design, and think of new ways to catapult our projects for a better user experience. Big companies have nothing to worry about because they have generous finances and probably extensive teams of IT professionals who along with their other colleagues are ready to push the boundaries of creativity. What about small businesses or startups? The data tells us that more than 40% of those companies are ready to invest in web development, which brings us to the topic of our discussion: How to make a modern-looking website, without forgetting the key principles of good performance and user experience?

Action First

You probably know some people from your circle who want to tell a story but they are so bad at that. The reason is the lack of ability to tell the listeners the most important thing, without confusing them with so many details and secondary information. In the same way, you may find websites that are super hard to navigate and find easily what you care about. They simply forget the importance of allowing users to take action immediately without getting lost in dozens of subpages of the website.

We want to bring two great examples – the gaming industry and e-commerce. In the first category, one of the most progressive fields is online gambling, where companies invest significant financial and human resources to be competitive and user-friendly. When a user enters an online casino platform, all they see is the list of games to play immediately. Why would they need to read about the casino’s history, then its milestones, and so on when they want to take an action, in this case, to play? Understanding this principle made online casino platforms advantageous in that fierce competitive field.

If you are not good at online games, you are at least good at online shopping – something many people can’t imagine their lives without. And it’s not just because making online shopping is convenient in terms of not leaving home or spending a lot of time in traffic, but also for the sake of a great experience. The Amazon website contains more than 600 million products (can you believe that?), yet no customer gets lost in those extensive lists because the company knows how to create the best digital environment where people just take the action of purchasing what they need (or they don’t).

Captivating Visuals

Let’s be honest, a website full of nothing but text is about as exciting as watching paint dry. Great visuals are what hook people in! Think about it: would you rather order from a takeout menu with just text descriptions, or one with tempting photos of every dish? Images and videos do the same thing for your website – they make it more memorable and help people understand your offerings way faster.

But please, don’t fall into the trap of those cheesy stock photos with fake smiles! People can spot those a mile away, and it hurts your credibility. Use real photos of your products, your team, or even customers using your stuff. A short video highlighting your process or a simple animation can really add that extra “wow” factor, too.

The Power of Storytelling

We humans are wired for stories. Instead of just rattling off a boring list of features, use your website to tell the story of your brand. How did this whole thing even get started? Was it a childhood dream, a crazy idea that sparked in college, or a solution you desperately needed yourself? Share what makes you tick and why you’re so passionate about what you do.

Don’t be afraid to get a little personal! It’s those little details, the struggles you overcame, the wins that made you celebrate – that’s what people connect with. They want to know there are real humans behind the business, and that makes them way more likely to choose you.

Community and Interaction

Nobody wants their website to feel like a deserted ghost town, right? The best modern websites make people feel like they’re part of something bigger. A blog with interesting articles (and a place to comment!) is the perfect way to start conversations. Maybe you could even set up a dedicated forum area where customers can help each other and feel like they’re part of a club. And don’t forget the power of social media – make it super easy for people to share your content and spread the word!

Building a community isn’t just about being nice. It turns your customers into loyal fans who actually care about seeing you succeed. They’ll come back for more, and recommend you to their friends… it’s basically free advertising from your happiest customers!


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