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How to Design Mobile-Friendly Websites: Everything You Need to Know

how to design mobile-friendly websites

When designing a website, many people tend to focus on desktops, as they make up close to 56.7% of a website’s traffic. Unfortunately, that is a huge mistake. Mobile traffic is growing each year, reaching 53%.

What kind of user experience will you provide if your website needs to be mobile-friendly? Luckily, it is easy to design mobile-friendly websites. If you don’t want to do it by yourself, consider hiring professionals like Web Design North Wales that can help you with creating perfect design website.

All you need to do is follow a few best practices. You can find those below. Read on!

Researching and Analyzing Your Audience

Before designing a mobile-friendly website, it is essential to research and analyzes the target audience. Understanding the users’ needs, interests, and behaviors.

It helps guide the business website design tools with the help of a freelance web developer. They know who the audience is and how they use technology.

It helps ensure the website creates optimal viewing and interaction for a specific device or device. Conduct audience surveys, analysis, and other research.

It helps to gain insights into your potential audiences’ preferences, needs, and expectations. Knowing this information ahead of time will help guide your web design budget and decisions.

When it comes to designing mobile-friendly websites, especially in the context of Shopify web design, it’s vital to prioritize responsive layouts, intuitive navigation, and optimized performance to ensure a seamless shopping experience for mobile users, ultimately enhancing conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

Analyze Your Competitors

When designing mobile-friendly websites, it is essential to analyze your competitors. This way, you can see what they are doing right and wrong to ensure you create the best user experience possible.

Start by researching the main competitors in your market, and what features and content those sites contain.

Convert or Recreate a Desktop Site for Mobile

When creating a mobile-friendly website, it’s important to consider how you can optimize it for both desktop and mobile users. One way to ensure a mobile-friendly site is to convert or recreate a desktop site for mobile.

This can involve changing the server-side code to create a unique website layout and structure that suits the device, such as adjusting the navigation menu, resizing images, and optimizing information for smaller screens.

Alternatively, you can also create a completely different website specifically for mobile devices using mobile-specific templates, design tools, and content management systems.

Create a Responsive Website Layout

Responsive web design ensures your website looks good and functions across all devices and screen sizes. There are several key components to consider when designing a mobile-friendly website:


The first step to designing a mobile-friendly website is understanding the page layout. It includes understanding the size of the headers, subheaders, body text, buttons, images, and white space.

It’s essential to ensure that the website is easy to navigate and looks great on any device. Keep in mind that mobile devices offer different orientations and screen sizes when designing for mobile.

Test different layouts to ensure the website looks optimal on both landscape and portrait devices.


Designing a website for mobile users is becoming essential in modern web design. To ensure an optimal user experience, the navigation should be easy to use and accessible from any device, no matter the size.

Consider how many items you want to list in the navigation and limit the choices to the most important ones. Make sure all the buttons are large enough to be clickable with a fingertip, as users are likely to use their fingers, not a mouse or a trackpad.

Create alternative mobile navigation. You can create a hamburger menu, which can hide the items the user may not need on their mobile device.


Design websites with larger fonts, buttons, and other elements that can easily click on a mobile device. Use powerful software tools like Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.

They help to optimize images and graphics for mobile devices. Additionally, native plugins like jQuery Mobile make mobile site development easier and faster.

Coding Language

Designing a mobile-friendly website requires an understanding of the coding language in use. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP are popular coding languages used to create websites. When designing a mobile-friendly website, it is essential to ensure the code is clean and efficient.

This will reduce page loading times and allow users to access the website quickly and easily. The design structure of the page also changes depending on the viewport size. It ensures that users are presented with the optimal layout when they access the website on any device.

Additionally, it is important to use media queries to adjust the website’s design in response to user interactions. It is also beneficial to use an analytics platform to collect data about user activity and understand user behavior.

Using code efficiently and understanding mobile-friendly design is essential to create a mobile-friendly website successfully.

Optimize Mobile Site Speed

When designing a mobile-friendly website, optimizing mobile website loading speed is essential. The most crucial step is ensuring the website is appropriately labeled and sized.

It can significantly impact page speed. Use formats such as ICG and JPG to reduce page weight when possible. Additionally, all unessential or redundant data should be removed as that can increase loading time.

Compress all images and files, and only use HTML and CSS scripts necessary for the website to run. To improve speed on mobile, use web streaming and other methods to reduce request counts and the overall file size of the website.

Invest in a powerful hosting server to process requests quickly. All of these steps are fundamental to optimizing mobile website speed.

Include Mobile-Specific Content and Features

Mobile design should be at the top of the list when developing any website. It should include various general design aspects. It ensures the site looks aesthetically pleasing on all devices and operating systems.

Additionally, you should pay attention to the navigation. It is composed of easily selectable or clickable buttons or icons.

Further, developers should consider adding mobile-specific content and features, such as voice recognition, geolocation, and touch gestures. It creates a better user experience, optimizes user engagement, and encourages purchases.

Test the Website

To ensure a mobile-friendly website, you should test the website using web-based tools such as or Google’s Mobile-Friendly test. It checks the website’s responsiveness and is also displayed on different device sizes.

Create Your Design Mobile-friendly Websites Now

Learning how to design mobile-friendly websites doesn’t have to be complicated. You can easily create a website optimized for any device with the proper practices and resources.

Take action today to ensure your website reaches the most significant number of users possible. Try our tips to make your design journey easier!

For more tips, check the rest of our site.

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