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4 Most Common Problems Which Occur During WordPress Migration

4 Most Common Problems Which Occur During WordPress Migration

Moving your website from one host to another should be quite a straightforward thing. There are tons of tutorials and step-by-step guides telling you exactly what to do and how to migrate your WordPress website. However, it often happens that these guides fail to mention potential problems you could run into during the process. In reality, there are a few very common issues you may encounter during the migration.

If you prepare for them in advance, you’ll avoid setbacks and failure. Here are four most common problems which occur during WordPress Migration.


Extremely Slow Download

The first step of the migration process is the backup.

In order to successfully migrate from one host to the other, you need to back up your entire website. That means that everything you have on your old host needs to be downloaded to a folder on your computer.

Depending on how big your website is, it may take some time for this download to finish. However, in some cases, it may take ages.

If you’re looking for ways to speed the process up, you can:

Also, don’t forget the .htaccess hidden file.

Problems with Images

Another common problem you may easily face once you finish your migration is the problem of broken images. It may happen that your images aren’t appearing where they should, they are not linking correctly, or they appear as broken images.


In any of these cases, it’s most likely that there was a problem during the upload of your media files, which requires you to do it again.

Therefore, the first thing you should do, and which will most likely fix the mess is:

A simply re-upload may do the trick and fix your broken images.

Finally, if the above advice fails to fix the problems, you may have to visit the cPanel of your hosting server and replace the old and new URL in the SQL tab.

Permission Issues

When switching from one host to the other, you have to be aware that certain rules and policies will differ.

It may happen that certain files permissions, when transferred, resulting in an error.

This can happen if, for instance, your old host allowed you to have such file permission, which enables anyone to have full access to the file. That means that anyone could read it and make changes to it.

However, your new host may have a different policy, not allowing this kind of open permissions. Consequentially, you’ll end up with an error when trying to transfer these files.

To solve this problem, you can:

Whatever you do, make sure to prepare your files for the new host.

Location Misunderstanding

Once you finish the migration process (that is, you think you’ve finished it), your database is probably still carrying some of the information linked to your old server. For one, you need to ensure WordPress understands you’ve changed your location, so it doesn’t create a redirection issue. To check whether or not WordPress knows about your new location, you need to check your settings.

Go to General settings and look at the URLs you have in front of you. Is it the domain of your new URL?

If not, you need to change it and specify the new details in your wp-config.php file.

Useful Info

Even though migration is mostly a manual type of process, you can still use some handy plugins to make the whole thing easier on yourself.

Of course, there are plugins which cost some money and while you may be hoping to migrate at a zero cost, do take a minute or two to take a look at the most useful plugins we would recommend:

In addition, while the migration is on the go, you could set up a


Even though WordPress migration is said to be a piece of cake, for many of us there always seems to be a problem, no matter how minor. However, with a quality preparation and enough information you find in advance, you could stop most of these problems to occur.

Therefore, make sure to take all the precautions before your migration and try to predict all the possible issues. Use the information we’ve given you above and migrate from one host to another with as fewer problems as possible.

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