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Top WordPress Plugins to Have a Law-Abiding Site

Top WordPress Plugins to Have a Law-Abiding Site

Having a great website is one of the most important aspects of any business, from the design to coding, contact forms to plugins, etc. Law-abiding sites are no different, but we know the struggle of finding the right plugins for your business. There are over 50,000 WordPress plugins currently, with more being added every single day.

You need to have a webpage that is accessible to everyone, with no exceptions! On top of that, your site needs to be on search engines, right? That’s how people find you and hopefully stick with you, and plugins can help you with that. You can’t browse through 50,000 plugins – it is not possible. That’s why we have prepared some of the plugins that you and your business will cherish forever. They will help you make your site more accessible and better in no time.

So, without further ado, let’s jump in!


On the deserved number one spot, we have accessiBe. With just one single line of Javascript, you will make your page WCAG compliant, ADA, and truly accessible to everyone.

That all heroes don’t wear a cape is a clear statement for this tool

What is web accessibility?

Web accessibility is a set of rules, code standards, and design guidelines that are there to explain how an accessible website should look like and how it should operate for people with disabilities. These rules were created by the World Wide Web Consortium and are called the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

These rules can be implemented with a bit of help from various we code developers and designers. There are some plugins designed to ensure your site is GDPR compliant, which applies to all organizations that collect and process data that relate to the individuals in the EU. Some plugins are made to ensure compliance with the privacy policy. However, for many websites that don’t have legal pages, this is a call to actions as this means they cannot display Google ads, thus losing on potential revenue and visitors.

That is why in this article we will review some of the most popular plugins that will help ensure your site is accessible to everyone and that you are following all of the rules and guidelines set by different regulating agencies.

Everybody deserves to browse through your site without any complications. That is why leading experts worked side by side with people with disabilities to make this tool as great as it is. There are over 20% of the world’s population with disabilities; to understand it more, that is around 1.5 billion people. And with this handsome devil, your site will be available to everyone.

Web Accessibility has screen reading adjustments and keyboard navigating adjustments that are needed for visually and motor-impaired people.

Motor impaired people need to click the button TAB to activate accessiBe and the adjustment button appears. People who are blind will hear an announcement from accessible throughout their screen readers to turn on adjustment by clicking alt 1. Also, you don’t need to compromise your website design because of this tool. It has multiple customization options so that you can simply make it like a part of your design and site. It gives you full freedom to experiment and make it your own. You can customize the interface colors, modify sizes and shapes, and even choose icons whichever you want and position it wherever you like.

It is a game-changing tool that will give everybody the flawless experience that they deserve.

Yoast SEO

Just like any other business, you also want to have organic traffic to your site. You can achieve that with great use of a little thing called keywords.  If you are not familiar with what keywords are, let me quickly explain it to you.

Regarding search engines, keywords are any specific term that is entered on Google, and with that, they give you a result page where web pages are listed. They can be singular words or phrases, which will help you be ranked when searching for your product. It is important to know that you need to use words/phrases connected to your topic and your website when using keywords. Yoast SEO is a great tool to help you with that, they don’t offer much with their free option, but their premium plan is simply amazing. Some of the premium stuff are keyword optimization, multiple languages, readability check, content insight, and more!

Keyword optimization has intelligent word forms recognition that will help you add synonyms and some related keyphrases. Readability check will give you great insight into your written piece and pinpoint any mistakes you made.

But all of this is just scratching the surface; there is a lot more to uncover from this tool. Nevertheless, all these options will give your web site a great foot forward.

GDPR Compliance & Cookie Consent

As of May 25, 2018, all companies with EU citizens as customers visiting their page, from whichever location of the company, need to abide by GDPR rules.

GDPR stands for The General Data Protection Regulation. It is a regulation in the EU law on data protection and privacy in the European Economic Area and European Union. GDPR includes user IDs, emails, names, contact details, addresses, IP addresses, and other special categories of data such as genetic, sensitive, health, gender, and biometric. It aims to improve the level of protection for internet users and gives them more control over how their data is used. It is important to give that to your visitors at all times.

This handsome devil is free to download, and it is compatible with WordPress 4.6 and above. StylemixThemes create it, and their key features are GDPR consent checkboxes, clear privacy policies, and cookie information, a cookie blocker, and consumer data access. It helps to protect your visitors and customers and any of their personal data.


Legal pages are just a muss if you own a business online, and WPLegalPages is one of the best plugins for creating those pages. It has a smooth interface, and it is easy to work with, so there won’t be any problems managing it.  Every tool that this plugin has will greatly help you with one problem or the other.

Some reasons why people shy away from legal pages are that they need to write the content. Of course, you can’t copy it from another site, but this tool will take that bourdon off your shoulder. It has over 25 templates that are specially designed for internet laws, with the option to choose which industry your business is. And you can, of course, edit it a bit and publish it in no time.

And, to stay out of trouble, no matter how big your business is, EU cookie Laws are a must for you. It has an independent template for that, too, so that you don’t have to start from scratch.


Now we have an intuitive system that will help you notify your visitors of GDPR compliance, and it will scan your site for any cookies it uses as well – CookiePro. It scans more than five million tracking technologies and cookies.

It provides a straightforward interface to use, which allows your visitors to disable specific cookies when entering the site. This means that they can pick and choose what they are comfortable with regarding the cookies. This system comes with an equipped, secure portal that will allow visitors to submit and track data request. If you want to use the Enterprise version, you can show a GDPR banner to only EU visitors.

They have over 100 languages supported, and their customer service is 24/7, which means that they care about their customers, and so should you!

Delete me

There will be a time when you will have users who will want to delete their data from your website forever. Your duty is to ensure that they have that option available and that they can remove 100% of their data.

Luckily there is a tool just for that called Delete Me, and with that tool, they will be able to delete their posts, comments, profiles, and more. In case that they accidentally clicked that button, they will be asked to confirm it so that your users won’t delete themselves by accident. They will also get a confirmation email that their profile has been deleted.

It is a very simple too,l and it will certainly come in handy since there are people who want their data wiped out from servers.

WP Activity Log

It is time to introduce you to the easiest to use WordPress activity log plugin out there – WP Activity Log. With this little fella, you will be able to keep an eye on every activity log of everything that happens on your site.

With this tool, you will be:

Since it keeps reports of everything that happens, you also will get:

It is the most highly rated WordPress activity log plugin, so there is no reason for you not to have it on your site.


To conclude this article, we must say that every one of these plugins will help you improve your website. From SEO, GDPR, cookies, data, we got you covered on everything.

You can pick between them, but the only one that stands out on its own that has no competition is AccessiBe. You can see it for yourself – they offer things like no other plugin. Having a tool that will give people with disabilities a great experience is something that everyone should starve for.

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