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6 Ways Your Wedding Business Should Be Using Instagram

6 Ways Your Wedding Business Should Be Using Instagram

In today’s society, marketing is more important than ever, and to do it right, you have to be where your customers are- time to get your wedding business on Instagram. Instagram, expected to reach 1.2 billion users by 2023, offers enormous potential for small business owners to increase their marketing efforts.

“Seventy-eight percent of marketers are using Instagram,” according to the Social Media Examiner’s 2021 social media marketing research. In addition, marketers consider it the second most important social media platform behind Facebook, with 64% planning to boost their Instagram activity in the coming year.

Instagram’s potential is based on user behavior rather than the sheer quantity of active users: Instagrammers enjoy interacting with companies.

According to Instagram, ninety percent of users follow a brand on the network. Additionally, according to Facebook-commissioned data from 2019, 54% of individuals have purchased after seeing a product or service on the platform.

As you can see, your ideal client (and the majority of the world) is on Instagram, so if you’re trying to expand your reach, you need to be on the Gram, too. But we understand, as a small wedding business owner, knowing how to use Instagram to market your wedding business can be overwhelming. Luckily, we’ve put together this handy and easy guide to the top 6 ways your wedding business should be using Instagram.

6 Ways To Should Be Using Instagram For Your Wedding Business

1.   Location Tagging

One simple marketing tool that Instagram features is location tagging; unfortunately, many businesses forget to use it. But, it’s an excellent feature that can help you connect with customers searching for wedding services you offer.

Location tags, also known as geotags, are specific latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates of physical or brick and mortar locations that you can include in a post or Story.

The places are determined by your mobile device’s GPS and might be either geographical (such as a city) or business-related (like a restaurant).

When added to a post or Story, Instagram location tags operate as a content library, storing all media geotagged to a specific location. What does that mean? Simply put, it allows your wedding business location to be searchable on Instagram.

Instagram location tags provide numerous advantages for your business, including the opportunity to:

Increase brand awareness

Posts and Stories with location tags appear on Explore pages or location-based Stories, allowing you to reach out to more people.

Increase engagement

A comment thanking your users for their tagged posts gives a personal touch to their experience and can lead to increased brand engagement.

Drive social proof

When making decisions, potential customers look for social proof, such as vivid photographs of other users tagged at your location.

Here’s how location tags work:

Say you’re a bridal boutique, and you share a photo of one of your newest wedding gown arrivals, along with your location. Users in their audience will know exactly where to go if one of your followers shares the post without having to search it up.

When someone clicks on the location name, they’ll be taken to the search results page, which will show all of the Instagram material that has been tagged with your location.

As a result, Instagram users will be able to discover more about your business not just through the photographs you publish but also through the posts of your customers.

2.   Take Advantage Of Video Content

Video is king for increasing your engagement on your social media channels. And no matter what type of wedding business you have, videos are essential to your marketing plan and reach more customers.

So, just how do you use video content on Instagram to market your wedding business? There’s something truly unique about video content.

Unlike static posts or images, video content allows your customers to see your business in action. And a great way to do that is to engage them by creating tons of Stories and Reels.

Stories and reels are your gateways to getting more exposure and engagement, including possibly showing up in the explore area.

Here are some examples of using video or reel content on Instagram.

Example of a Reel

Wedding planning is daunting, so couples are always searching for helpful tips. You can use this to your advantage by creating a reel that explains “How To Plan A Wedding.” Or you could create a checklist of things you may need when planning your wedding. This checklist can include hiring vendors, creating a wedding website, your wedding hashtag, and more.

3.   Run Giveaways With Other Wedding Businesses

Another great way to use Instagram to promote your wedding business and reach more customers is to run a giveaway. And while running a giveaway by yourself can increase engagement with your current followers, if you really want to boost your reach, partner with another wedding business to run your giveaway.

Here’s how an Instagram giveaway can benefit you. We’ll use a bridal boutique as our example.

As a bridal boutique, you have several vendors that you work with. You can turn these vendors into partners and run a giveaway together. How does this benefit you? When you run an Instagram giveaway on your wedding business Instagram, you’ll reach your current followers and possibly a few more who may share your giveaway with.

When you partner with another wedding business, they’ll also share the giveaway details on their Instagram, which means you’ll reach their followers (or customers) as well. More reach means more potential customers for your wedding business.

4.   Run Instagram Ads

Most wedding businesses are familiar with Instagram ads but are afraid to use them. But in reality, they are a great asset to your company. The benefit of running an Instagram ad for your wedding business is that you’ll reach people (customers) that otherwise wouldn’t have known about your business. It’s a win-win!

Here are a few tips on how to run a successful Instagram ad campaign.

5.   Post Client Testimonials

Reviews and client testimonials are something that you should be collecting and sharing with the world. It’s a great way to share real incite on what i’s like to work with your business. In the tech-crazed world that we’re in, potential customers are always wanting to know what to expect before booking wedding services.

So, use your client testimonials to your advantage. You know the old saying, “Shout it from the rooftop.” Well, do it! Sharing your client testimonials on your Instagram and other social feeds is great for engagement.

6.   Optimize Your Instagram Bio

Lastly, one of the most important ways your wedding business should use Instagram is by optimizing your Instagram Bio. Your wedding business Instagram bio is like your online business card,  website home page, and portfolio all wrapped up into one.

And, with only a few seconds to make an excellent first impression, your Instagram bio is one of the most effective ways to convert Instagram visitors into followers; this is why deciding what to include in your Instagram bio can be difficult.

Here are some tips:

A Must-Have Tool For Your Wedding Biz

When reaching engaged couples, Instagram is a must-have tool for wedding vendors. It’s highly visual media that allows you to communicate directly with your target audience. And if you’re not using it to promote your wedding business, you’re leaving real money on the table. With these helpful tips on how your wedding business should be using Instagram, you’ll constantly be ringing in new leads.

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