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How to Create Knowledge Quizzes in WordPress

If you have the right tool, creating a quiz in WordPress doesn't have to be a nightmare

If you have been on social media recently, then you know that quizzes are all the rage these days. It seems that all people want to do is put their knowledge to the test or see which personality trait they have but still haven’t discovered.

But the quiz frenzy isn’t reserved only for social media, more and more quizzes are starting to pop up on personal but also business websites for the purpose of entertaining the visitors and making them stick on a site for longer periods of time.

If we were to name one quiz type that is most loved by audiences, it would, without a doubt, be the knowledge quiz. Why?

Well, unlike personality quizzes, which are, in most cases, only relevant to the people taking them, knowledge quizzes create a bit of competition and rivalry among the quiz takers who are all hoping they will be the one with the best score.

One of the best tools on the market intended for this purpose is Forminator, a plugin with close to 200,000 downloads and over 50,000 active installations. And while, in this article, we will focus solely on its knowledge quiz creating features, this plugin is capable of doing much more.


With it, you can create forms, surveys, polls, and the already-mentioned personality quiz.

The plugin comes with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop builder, custom polls, quizzes and forms, built-in Stripe and PayPal payments, spam prevention features, and a lot more as well.

Also, using its calculations and conditions features, you’ll be able to build informational calculators and order forms, but also forms that customize depending on user responses. As you can see, this plugin can enable you to do lost of different things, but those are a topic for another article. In this one, we will put our entire focus on showcasing how you can build a knowledge quiz using this plugin and how to then embed that same quiz into your WordPress site with no hassle whatsoever.

So let’s jump right into it, shall we?

Creating a knowledge quiz using the Forminator plugin

The first step to unleashing all the amazing quiz creating features Forminator has to offer is to install and activate the plugin.

Like with most plugins, that can be done either through the plugins tab on your WordPress dashboard or by downloading the plugin from and then uploading it to your site in order to complete the installation and activation process.

Once the plugin is installed and ready to go, it will receive its own tab on your WordPress dashboard, so you won’t have any issues finding it at any time.

Getting to the quiz creating section can also be done in two ways. The first way is by hovering your mouse over the Forminator tab and then clicking on the “Quizzes” option. The second way is by clicking on the Forminator tab. This will land you on the Forminator dashboard, which consists of three important modules: the form creating module, poll creating module, and the quiz creating module. The last one, of course, is the one we will be focusing on.

Forminator Dashboard

To start off with creating your quiz, naturally, you have to click on the “Create” button in the “Quizzes” module. After you have done that, you will then be asked to choose a quiz type. From the title of this article, you already know that we will be covering the creation process of a knowledge quiz.

Forminator quiz type

After selecting a quiz type, the next thing you will be asked to do is to give your quiz a name, whatever you see as fitting will work, it’s your quiz after all.

Forminator quiz type name

Once you have named the quiz, you will then be taken to a page titled “Edit Quiz”. On this page, you will be defining all things related to your quiz, have the option to preview it, save it as a draft, and of course, publish it.

This page will have multiple tabs (on the left-hand side) for you to explore, all dedicated to configuring a specific aspect of your quiz.

Forminator edit quiz

Tabs on the Edit Quiz page

The Intro tab, besides being the tab you will land on by default, is where you will give your quiz a title (this is optional and can be left blank, so no worries if you decide to skip it), a featured image, and a description.

You shouldn’t skip on adding the featured image and description since they are the perfect way for you to introduce your quiz to people and lure them into taking it.

Below the Intro tab is a tab that undoubtedly has the most importance, the Questions tab. On the Questions tab, you should click on the “add question” option and get to adding as many questions as you want.

Forminator add question

When creating a knowledge quiz, you won’t be limited to a certain number of questions or answers; the only requirement is for you to set a correct answer(s) for each question since the quiz results will be calculated based on how many answers a quiz taker got right.

Like we said, each of your questions must have at least one correct answer, but it can also have a featured image that could make your quiz look a bit less bland.

The correct answers are assigned by ticking the “Correct Answer” checkbox and the featured image by clicking the “Upload Image” button.

Forminator add question

At the bottom of the Questions section will be an option for customizing the appearance of your submit button. By clicking on that option, you will be able to enter custom button text, processing text, and CSS for your button.

Forminator add question

After the questions tab, we move onto the Appearance tab in which you can:

  • choose one of the four pre-defined design styles for your quiz’s design
  • customize the color and pick a specific font for each of your quiz elements
  • decide between two layout options for your questions (list or grid)
  • define your quiz alignment
  • customize the padding/border-spacing/maximum width of the quiz container
  • and, last but not least, enable the custom CSS option.

Forminator layout

The Appearance tab is followed up by the Behavior tab, which lets you define how your quiz will react when a user interacts with it. For instance, you will be able to say if a correct answer should be displayed in real-time or only after a quiz has been completed. Besides that, there will be an option to turn on/off an evaluation loader, define the message that will pop-up in case of a wrong/right answer, and the message that will show at the end of the quiz displaying the user’s overall score.

Some other options you will find on this page are the social sharing option that will give users the possibility to share their results on 1-3 major social platforms, and the rendering option using which you can define how your quiz will work with caching plugins.

Forminator email

Now, we move onto the Email notifications tab. In this tab, you can turn on the option to send emails to admins after a quiz has been completed by a user. Besides the standard options you define when sending any kind of email (recipients, CC, BCC, subject, etc.), here you can also define what aspect of the quiz will be included in the email as well. That could be anything from a quiz name, quiz results, to the user’s IP address, and more.

Forminator email

Before going to the last tab, we have one more to talk about labeled the Integrations tab. Using this tab, you can connect third-party apps such as Zapier, Trello, Slack, Google Sheets, and plenty of other ones to Forminator, so they can start collecting your quiz data for whichever purpose you have in mind.

If your site isn’t integrated with any of these yet, you will first have to make that happen through the Integrations page of the Forminator plugin.

Forminator applications


Lastly, we have the Settings tab where you will define whether your quiz data (this includes user submissions) will be stored in your database or not. If you do decide to store it, you will then have to also define the number of days/weeks/months/years the data will be retained for. Fun fact, if you leave the value field blank, the data will be retained forever.

These options will come in very handy in situations when the way you store your user submissions has to be compliant with GDPR or any local law.

Forminator settings

Managing your quizzes

After you have finished configuring the behavior and the look of your quiz, you can then press the publish button or save it as a draft if you wish to postpone publishing for some other time.

Once you press the publish button, you will receive a shortcode for your quiz so you can embed it on any page or template by simply copying and pasting it. Gutenberg users will love the fact that there are also blocks included that let you insert Forms, Polls, and Quizzes even more easily.

Forminator start quiz

Another way you will be able to insert a quiz is through the “Add Form” button, which appears on each of your posts/pages when you are editing it. By clicking that button, you will be presented with all of your published quizzes. Now all you have to do is choose the quiz you want to include, and it will be inserted automatically.

Forminator shortcodes

For each of your published quizzes, you will be presented with some stats such as its number of views, submissions, and the conversion rate.

If you click on the number of submissions you received, you will then be taken to the submissions page, which will show you all the submission data you have collected.

Also, here you will have a button for editing a quiz and a gear icon which, when clicked, will show all the available actions for a specific quiz. These include things such as exporting, duplicating, unpublishing, previewing, resetting tracking data, and so on.

Forminator test


And with that, we have come to the end of our quiz creating tutorial. We hope that our explanation was clear enough for you to truly grasp how convenient and easy it is for you to create a knowledge quiz in WordPress using the Forminator plugin.

Although we didn’t touch on how to create polls, forms, and personality quizzes, you can rest assured that the same level of convenience and ease will be present when completing those tasks as well.

Thanks for reading, and don’t forget to check out everything Forminator has to offer by paying a visit to its official site.