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Easy Eyewear Tips for Bloggers

We live in an age where society is completely immersed in technology, with screens and devices being the norm in daily life, regardless of age or location. As such, screen time has increased immensely across the board. Global data has found that the average screen time for those aged 16 to 64 is now six hours and 37 minutes daily.

The average screen time already amounts to almost half of a person’s waking hours. Still, the numbers jump even further for individuals whose careers directly involve more interaction with devices and online platforms. Digital bloggers are one of the most affected by this behavioral shift, which is why it’s so important to address any visual problems with the proper intervention before it’s too late.

The American Academy of Opthalmology has found that over 80% of all visual impairments are preventable or treatable. The right eyewear can go a long way in managing your eye health, and it’s easy to find the perfect pair to fit right into your blogging lifestyle.

Get regular eye exams

Getting an annual eye exam is the key task to integrate into your lifestyle. While people with healthy eyes are generally okay getting their eyes checked every two years, being a blogger means you are more likely to spend extensive periods doing visually intensive tasks. It’s also easier to prevent headaches, eye strain, and difficulty focusing if you can address any potential underlying factors.

Once you get your prescription, you can get the right lens to correct your vision needs. After all, the whole purpose of wearing glasses is to address any problems beyond just being an interesting accessory. A comprehensive eye exam will also give you a more personalized approach than using readers.

Find eyewear that fits your specific features

When you know your prescription, you must pick a model that fits your specific features. This makes you look good (an inevitable aspect of importance when blogging) and ensures that they are comfortable to wear for a long time.

Quality frames should be lightweight enough that you don’t mind keeping them on but with durable materials that won’t easily break after a few months. For aesthetic reasons, you will also want to find the right glasses for face shape. Oblong faces should be paired with square shapes, upswept corners, or Ted Baker frames. Diamond faces look good with oval, rectangular, and cat-eye frames. Square faces match well with round or oval frames; heart faces with rimless, Wayfarers, and oval frames; and round faces with square frames and semi-rimless designs. Better-fitting glasses ensure they are neither loose nor sit too tightly (and uncomfortably) on your face.

Minimize glare with both lenses and environment

One of the worst things to deal with is glare, which causes immediate discomfort, a higher likelihood of headaches, and potentially leads to permanent eye damage. This can be worsened when working in a bright environment and dealing with monitors or screens that aren’t matte.

Anti-glare glasses use metal oxides and coated lenses to minimize incoming light and reflections. This allows you to use natural light design without worrying about the increased risk of glare. Considering how much time you may spend blogging, a well-curated lighting environment can improve your emotional well-being and prevent the chance of developing photophobia.

Keep glasses cleaning materials handy in your workspace

The best way to keep your eyewear blog-ready is to have cleaning materials handy in your immediate vicinity. You can minimize stress by having essentials in your workspace, eliminating clutter, and prioritizing minimalism. With just a cleaning spray and glasses wipe, you can keep your eyewear in good condition and focus your creative energies on your blog.

Functional storage solutions will also make this easier to manage, so you can sort everything and categorize things you need to create your content. Having less clutter and still keeping items you need nearby is also a good visual practice to keep your eyes focused. With natural lighting, you may even find your eye strain significantly reduced in the long run.