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Author: Dženana Kajtaz

How to Create Knowledge Quizzes in WordPress

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If you have been on social media recently, then you know that quizzes are all the rage these days. It seems that all people want to do is put their knowledge to the test or see which personality trait they have but still haven’t discovered. But the quiz frenzy isn’t reserved only for social media,… Read More

How to Build an Email List Before Your Project Has Started

Published on by ; modified on June 6, 2024

One of the pillars of a successful marketing campaign is an email list. Not just any email list you can purchase on the internet, but a list that contains the email addresses of your past and current customers, fans, followers, and anyone else that has expressed interest in what you are bringing to the table…. Read More

How to Assign Guest Authors to Your Blog?

Published on by ; modified on January 23, 2024

Having a blog is one of the most liberating and rewarding things you can do. As you know, this isn’t something only individuals do, companies and business are becoming more and more recognizable in the online realm. They are starting to gradually pick up the practice of blogging, usually with the help of talented writers… Read More

A Guide to Understanding Your Social Media Analytics

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The world we live in is full of amazing technologies that allow us to do wonders with raw data, including in-depth analyses of things completely virtual, like our social media accounts. To do so, at disposal, we have tools that can generate reports in just seconds for any type of data we feed into them…. Read More

Web Development Trends for 2020

Published on by ; modified on February 3, 2023

If there is something that is ever-changing, it is web development. If you look back at the web sites and web apps we used just a few years back, you will be amazed by how much has changed. This is largely due to the fact that technology is rapidly evolving and with that enabling web… Read More

How to Use Google Optimize to Run Experiments On Your Site

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No site, software, or as a matter of fact anything is built perfectly. Although it sometimes might seem like that, there is always room for improvement that will make your site more appealing, its features more advanced, a better site in general. Most of us are aware of this but are often lost as to… Read More

3 Legal Policies Every Blog Should Have

Published on by ; modified on April 12, 2024

Having an attractive and functional blog is crucial for any business or individual trying to succeed in today’s day and age. A good blog usually has a few pages that are considered mandatory. A landing page, about page, contact page, FAQ page, and a few more, depending on the type of blog and for which… Read More

12 Actions You Can Take To Reduce Your Bounce Rate

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So, you’ve created what in your eyes seems like the perfect website. It has a modernistic layout. It perfectly represents your company and your product. You made it SEO optimized to the best of your abilities. You’ve invested a considerate amount of time and money into developing it, but something just isn’t going your way…. Read More