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What is Data Segmentation The Complete Guide

Increase your marketing effectiveness and grow sales.

Data has been recognized as an ideal partner for B2-B businesses. Every year, data-driven businesses constantly prove that today’s clients prefer a personalized experience rather than a generic follow-up on sales pipelines. Why wouldn’t they?

Data-driven decision-making allows businesses to target their most wanted prospects with a better performance rate by using simple techniques.

According to HubSpot, the survey of marketers who segment data from their customers for their marketing campaigns reported as high as 760 percent growth in revenues.

What is the Definition of Database Segmentation?

Let’s begin by saying that database segmentation, or data segmentation, is based on having reliable data. Whatever method you employ to collect it, your data on customers should be regularly updated to ensure that the sales data you get are correct.

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The process involves splitting the customer’s data and organizing it into distinct segments or groups. The groups are typically dependent on factors such as age or location, occupation, or job and behavioral indicators like buying habits and interests similar to yours. It’s also important to maintain distinct records in your database to enhance your data integrity as it relates to segmentation.

It is based on the idea that those with similar characteristics might have the same requirements the product can meet. These groups can be reached with more efficient, targeted marketing strategies. For example, Mathnasium math tutors can identify student groups based on their learning needs and tailor their tutoring strategies accordingly.

It is possible to use databases to design and execute marketing campaigns. However, its significance to sales processes is frequently ignored.

Sorts of Data Segmentation for B2B companies

The success of data from customer segmentation techniques depends upon choosing the right criteria for classifying the information mass with significant characteristics.

There are many kinds of segmentation techniques that go further into understanding the bonds that connect every contact in a specific batch of data; among the most commonly used (and practical) methods of segmenting customer information include the following:

  1. Behavioral Segmentation

Our thoughts and beliefs are that are influenced by experiences and actions. It’s no wonder behavioral segmentation is among the most well-known methods of analyzing demographic information.

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This is the distinction between business and psychology. Behavior segmentation involves dividing people into groups based on the actions they perform or the opinions they express and the more intangible data that requires a bit longer to determine than demographic information. The way a customer purchases, the time and amount they spend on the brand, and the attitude they show online and in-person are just a few examples of behavioral data and can serve to put individuals.

By utilizing behavioral research in conjunction with economic techniques, brands can determine how different segments build connections, perceive institutions, interact and what motivates them to do each. This is extremely useful data that business stakeholders can use to help inform a range of business strategies such as marketing operations, communications, and developing new products.

  1. Buyer persona attribution

A customer persona classification is extremely helpful in dividing your audience’s data by the most profitable characteristics of contact. To create a strong buyer persona, it is necessary to conduct a certain amount of segmentation of data for customers should have been done to establish what criteria need to be taken into consideration to be considered.

A buyer persona is a description of your customer used to analyze its profile, create a personalized communication environment, and develop the most effective outbound and inbound strategies that bring about a meaningful exchange with your business.

It is not to be confused with a perfect customer profile. The term “customer profile” refers to an in-depth description of the business that is likely to be your next client, including the names of its key decision-makers, its follow-up instructions, insights, and its location within the various levels of a targeted account list.

The main difference is that ICP defines which names and companies should be targeted. The buyer persona details how to effectively target them.

If you implement all the segments of data described in the previous paragraphs, your marketing and sales teams can execute their engagement strategies with an accurate view.

  1. Segment Your Customer Database

This idea has been mentioned several times throughout this article. We’d like to define the benefits of segmenting your database of customers.

A clear understanding of your most valuable customers can benefit all aspects of your business.

If you’re selling digital goods, you may filter your database of customers based on behavior indicators. This could include factors like the frequency with which users return, their top-rated features, the frequency they buy credits for new purchases when they’re most likely to upgrade their subscription, etc. These data points give you a better understanding of your customers’ preferences.

  1. Demographic Segmentation

It is the first and most widely used segmentation technique. Demographic segmentation is the process by which the teams that analyze data divide a customer base as well as a consumer base or market into different groups according to relevant data like age, location and education level and occupation, income status as well as marital status, political affiliation as well as religion.

By mapping these data points and then dividing the customers into groups according to these data points factors, the stakeholders can have a fundamental way to identify and cater to the most important demographic segments.


Demographic segmentation has an important role in strategies for market segmentation since the market will continue to have similarities between different age groups and those who reside in the same areas and have similar professions.

The experiences they share will define them. However, other instances transcend demographics and must be taken into consideration in the process of making decisions too.

There are more complex data on demographics, such as the political identity, which do help to provide more dynamic segmentation strategies. There will be demographic groups and places they are identified with. Some will be hesitant to participate in politics completely because of their reasons, and the only thing they have in the same with all of them is that demographics do not influence them. Therefore, more information is required to understand and address the requirements of all segments.


Don’t be scared to look around and make use of your database. It’s the key to increasing your marketing effectiveness and growing sales. Segmentation of databases also helps enhance lead generation and is a great method of gaining insight into your potential customers.