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Header Module

Minimal Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode lets you write and edit a header of your page. By writing a headline, you should introduce your visitors to the page and let them know what’s it all about.

Whether it’s a simple text saying the site is coming soon or the name of your company that you want to put in focus, the header module will help you.

How to write a headline?

Minimal Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode for WordPress header

  1. Go to Settings -> Maintenance Mode -> Basic -> Header Text
  2. Write a header text for the maintenance page. It is not recommended to leave this blank
  3. Save changes

How to style a headline?

Minimal Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode header style

After writing your headline, you will probably want to style it. To change the font, its size, and color, you will have to navigate to the design tab:

  1. Open Settings -> Maintenance Mode -> Design
  2. Scroll down to Header Font, Header Text Size, and Header text color
  3. Change the settings to your likings
  4. Save changes

If you would like to style the header into more details, please navigate to the Advanced settings and write your custom CSS code. You should target the “header-text” CSS class to make modifications to the header.

Documentation didn't help? Contact support!

Using the free version? Please head over to the forums. First look at older threads and if you don't find anything useful open a new thread. Support is community-powered so it can take some time to get an answer. You can also always contact us via the contact form found in the plugin, but if you need premium support this second - upgrade to PRO.